Browse through our BA blog to find out the latest in horse care, feeding and recent happenings in the horse world.
Spring Grass: Equine Laminitis
Laminitis is a painful, disabling, common and costly disease of the horse and pony with many causes; the digestive and metabolic forms are linked to equine nutrition. Laminitis has major economic and welfare implications and can affect any member of the equine family (horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules). Equine laminitis is a systemic disease, often linked to hindgut disturbances; its final manifestation is inflammation of the lamina of the hoof, and downward rotation of the coffin bone. Treatment of laminitis is difficult because clinical signs of laminitis are apparent only after laminar tissues have undergone inflammatory and degenerative changes. There are a myriad of different problems that can cause laminitis or increase the potential for it to occur. Nearly half of all reported cases of laminitis in the US occur in horses at pasture, specifically lush spring pasture
Spring Into Action: Simple Steps to Bring Your Horse Back After Winter
Bringing horses back into work after a winter vacation needs to be done gradually, you can start the horse back into work at a lower level and increase the length and intensity of workouts. At the same time you must adjust the horse's feed as needed to address present body condition (too thin or too fat) as well as nutrient requirements for the increased work. It doesn’t matter what your horse’s level of fitness was when you stopped riding by the end of three or more months of inactivity, all conditioning your horse had is essentially lost.
Nutrition is the Key to Success - Growing Horses
The goal of any breeding program is to produce strong sound foals. To do this there are several factors involved including genetics, environment and nutrition. Nutrition is a critical piece of any successful breeding operation and must be considered at every level.
Feeding Horses in Cold Temperatures
Winter is an inherently challenging season when it comes to feeding and taking care of your horse. There are unique nutritional concerns, extra energy needs that can make this time of year especially tricky. As a horse owner and lover, you want the best for your equine companion – so how do you know their additional needs during cold temperatures?
What Can You Learn From A Feed Tag?
“Commercially prepared, bagged, horse feed requires a feed tag. It’s the law, no exceptions. The purpose of feed tags is to protect customers and honest merchants from deception and confusion. Initially, feed tags were created to standardize weights and measures listed on feeds. Imagine the confusion if every bag of feed listed the amount contained in that bag in different units. Some would list bushels, others would list pounds and still others may list grams. Current feed tags go further in that they assure the feed meets certain standards such as guarantees of nutrient content. These guarantees provide the customer with a basis in which they can begin to compare feed products. “
Feeding Salt- A Must Have In Your Horses Diet.
Horses, like all animals, require both sodium and chloride in their diets. Together these two minerals form the common dietary ingredient – salt. When horses don’t receive enough dietary salt they can experience dehydration, impaction colic, muscle weakness, decreased blood volume and ultimately become intolerant to exercise
Body Condition Scoring - Feeding Appropriately
All horse owners want their horses to be healthy, look good, and be physically fit athletes. Nutritional management is a simple yet cost-effective tool that we can apply to ensure, improved performance and health in our horses. Body condition scoring serves as an effective tool to determine the nutritional needs of your horse. Using a numeric scoring system from 1 to 9, we can estimate the horse’s body energy reserves.
Feeding the Western Performance Horse
Performance horses require certain nutritional support to maintain energy levels, support muscle development and performance capacity, and reduce the risk of injury. Billy Allen Feeds are specially formulated to support competitive equine athletes in barrel racing, roping, cutting, and reining, among other disciplines in the western industry.
Feeding the Senior Horse
The nutritional management of the senior horse is challenging as there are no set criteria that define “old age” or the “senior” horse. The nutrient requirements of senior horses differ from other classes of horses because of the changes in metabolic and digestive efficiency that accompany the aging process.
Feeding To Avoid Metabolic Issues In Horses
Metabolic issues have become widespread in the modern horse, causing obesity, insulin resistance, and laminitis in horses and ponies. Proper nutritional balance can reduce the effects of metabolic issues in our equine partners.